Are you committed to building equitable and just futures in Parkdale? This year, the Parkdale People’s Economy will collaboratively lead a renewed Community Planning Study in the neighbourhood. In the wake of the global pandemic and sustained movements for economic, racial, and climate justice, we will ground our planning to address local crisis response, mid-term recovery and rebuild, and long-term visions for transformation in Parkdale.
Here are 3 ways to support community planning:
Apply for the Planning Committee: We are seeking dedicated community members and community groups committed to equity and justice to apply to the Planning Committee to support the design, implementation, and evaluation of the planning process. Committee members will meet monthly and will be provided honorarium for supporting the process. The application deadline has been extended to Monday, April 12th. Apply here:
Sign up to volunteer for the Parkdale Planning Study: We are seeking volunteers to support the roll-out of the community planning process. Please sign up using the following form and we’ll get back to you in the coming month with more details:
Register for the Neighbourhood Planning Table: On Thursday, April 22nd from 3-5PM, the Neighbourhood Planning Table will review and track the Parkdale Community Planning Study from 2016 to celebrate what has been accomplished and determine what needs to be prioritized moving forward. Register here:
For more information, contact!