It has been five years since the initial idea of building a community land trust for Parkdale in 2010 (see Beyond Bread and Butter report). Incorporated in 2014, Parkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust is hosting the very first Annual General Meeting as follows!
Parkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust 1st AGM
Date: October 28 Wednesday
Time: 6:30-9:30pm
Location: Bonar Parkdale (250 Dunn Ave)
Registration: RSVP online
Please join this historic moment! PNLT is one of the first CLTs in Toronto. At this AGM, we not only share our latest updates and draft bylaws, but also members will elect community representative board of directors. This is of critical importance to PNLT because a community land trust is a community-controlled organization through its unique governance model.
The AGM is one such opportunity for participatory decision-making about how PNLT should run in the community interests. In order to vote at this AGM, you must first become a member of PNLT by registering before October 21st 2015. Membership is open to anyone who lives or works in Parkdale. Sign up online here. Even if you are not a member, you can still join the AGM.