Not in our Lifetime: Neighbourhood Assembly to oppose the King Street Luxury Condo Proposal
Date: Thursday November 9th, 2017
Time: 7-9PM
Location: 201 Cowan Ave (Basement)
Lifetime Developments has proposed a 14-storey and 17-storey luxury condo development at the intersection of King and Dufferin. The developer is proposing to build 703 luxury residential units and 10 retail units, yet not one unit will be affordable. Councillor Gord Perks has negotiated $1.9 million in Section 37 to be allocated towards a neighbourhood rental housing fund, yet this is not enough to address our current housing crisis. In Parkdale, tenants and local businesses are being priced out. Neighbourhood inequality is growing. We as a community are outraged by this proposal, and are organizing to say NO to this development.
Join us for a neighbourhood assembly this Thursday, November 9th from 7-9PM to prepare a platform, sign up for public deputations, and start a letter-writing campaign for the upcoming Toronto East York Community Council (TEYCC) on November 14th, 2017, where City Planning is recommending to approve the rezoning application for 1182-1221 King St W. This is our chance to fight back as a community.
This is not Liberty Village. This is Parkdale. Let’s unite to say “Not in our Lifetime.”
Background Information:
- Planning Report:
- Development Application:
- Development Overview:
- TEYCC Agenda: