Parkdale Planning: Visions to Actions Workshops

Parkdale People's EconomyGeneral

Over the past two years, Parkdale People’s Economy has been hosting workshops with community to build visions for the future of Parkdale. Join us at the Visions to Actions Workshops as we share our findings for the Parkdale Community Plan. We will identify strategies and resources to transform our visions into actions and build a plan that will guide neighbourhood change based on community values.

Please register for one of our two public workshops, available either online or in-person. Our in-person workshop will have translation offered in Tamil, Tagalog, Tibetan, and Mandarin. We will also offer food and childminding support.


  • Date: Thursday, January 26, 2023
  • Time: 6 – 8 PM
  • Where: Zoom
  • Registration: Register here


  • Date: Saturday, January 28, 2023
  • Time: 1 – 3 PM
  • Where: Parkdale Library – 1303 Queen Street West – Lower Floor
  • Registration: Register here.

In 2016, the Parkdale People’s Economy released the Parkdale Planning Study as a blueprint for building decent work, shared wealth, and equitable development in Parkdale. This year, we are re-visiting our community planning process to build renewed visions and actions for a more equitable future in Parkdale. To support this planning, we are launching a three-part participatory planning process in Parkdale: Phase 1 – Community Wellbeing; Phase 2 – Community Mapping; and Phase 3 – Action Planning.

Did you miss the Community Wellbeing Workshops? Please fill this survey to inform the first phase of our community planning process, which aims to build a community-based vision for economic, racial, and climate justice centered on local wellbeing in Parkdale. The final phase of the planning process, Action Planning, will take place in the new year.

Did you miss the Community Mapping Workshops? If you missed the second phase of our community planning process, please engage in our mapping and storytelling workshop by using the following guide on Social Pinpoint and engage with the questions on the Co-Design Parkdale Map.

If you have any questions about the planning process, please contact the Planning Coordinator, Mercedes Sharpe Zayas at