(Image from Stats Canada’s Geosearch 2011)

The total population of Parkdale 2011 was 35,628, which is almost the same as 2006 (35,655).

From 2006 to 2011, North Parkdale experienced population increase by 2.7% (that was mostly due to the increase in the census tract 052). In South Parkdale, while the map shows some stability of population, the South Parkdale population actually decreased by 2.1%. It is assumed that changes documented in one census tract in South Parkdale (005) were due to the construction of condos in the east of Dufferin.

Statistics Canada. (2012). GeoSearch. 2011 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-142-XWE. Ottawa, Ontario. Data updated May 29, 2012.
http://geodepot.statcan.gc.ca/GeoSearch2011-GeoRecherche2011/GeoSearch2011-GeoRecherche2011.jsp?lang=E&otherLang=F (accessed 2012-07-04)