The NLT made its debut! We had the table for the Parkdale BIA event, ‘Spring Into Parkdale’ and facilitated the participatory exercise.
People were asked 1) to pin a dot for where and how long they live in Parkdale and 2) to place a post-it for where and what they would like to see more in Parkdale. Different colours of post-its represent different things that people want to see: affordable housing (pink); green space (green); community space (yellow); and retail opportunities (blue).
As it was the Parkdale Village BIA event organized along the Queen Street West, those who participated the exercise tend to live around Queen St West. And they hope to see desirable changes in the south area of Parkdale, predominantly for more affordable housing but also coupled with needs for green space and community space.
Building on this first step, NLT hopes to continue and expand community engagement efforts!