We are hiring Workforce Planning Coordinator, who will help coordinate efforts for Parkdale’s decent work vision that has emerged from the Parkdale Community Economic Development (PCED) Planning project.
The Parkdale Community Economic Development (PCED) Planning project is a multi-year community-based economic planning and development project in Parkdale. Led by Parkdale Activity Recreation Centre (PARC) in partnership with over 26 community partners, the PCED project started in 2015 in order to develop a Parkdale Neighbourhood Plan for decent work, shared wealth, and equitable development. Through the first round of the PCED project, the project has identified the following seven priority areas for community action and policy options: 1) social infrastructure; 2) affordable housing and land use; 3) decent work; 4) food security; 5) community financing; 6) participatory local democracy; and 7) cultural development.
The successful candidate will join the second round of the PCED project and take a lead in advancing two key initiatives within the Parkdale’s neighbourhood planning framework: Parkdale Community Benefits Framework development and the Anchor Institutions Roundtable for social procurement and local hiring opportunities.
Please see more details and application process here. Application deadline is February 1st 2017.
Special thanks to Atkinson Foundation’s Decent Work fund for generous support for the project.