Join the Parkdale People’s Economy for a series of Community Mapping Workshops on Housing and Development and Wellbeing and Safety! Through a mapping and storytelling process, we are interested in understanding people’s experiences of belonging and wellbeing in the neighbourhood, as well as the impact of development and displacement. The workshop will draw on indicators from our Community Wellbeing workshops to build on visions and values for economic, racial, and climate justice.
We are partnering with the Co-Design Parkdale who have created an interactive map of Parkdale on Social Pinpoint to ensure community voices are included in consultation processes to sustain a future of culturally diverse and resilient neighbourhood communities. Here are three ways to get involved:

- Join our Public Workshops: We are running two sets of workshops – one on Housing and Development, and one on Safety and Wellbeing. Each workshop has two time slots you can sign up for depending on your availability! Register below:
- Housing and Development: The Housing and Development Workshop will focus on stories of housing justice in Parkdale and analyze the impact of development on the neighbourhood.
- Wellbeing and Safety: The Wellbeing and Safety Workshop will focus on stories of belonging in Parkdale and build an understanding of community safety rooted in alternatives to policing.

3. Plan a Workshop: We are currently planning workshop sessions with community groups in Parkdale to meet people where they are at, hold spaces with trusting relationships, and ensure that supports such as translation are in place. If you are interested in planning a workshop with your community group, please reach out to us over email at We are aiming to plan workshops with translation supports in Tibetan, Tamil, Tagalog, and Hungarian.

Five years ago, the Parkdale People’s Economy released the Parkdale Planning Study as a blueprint for building decent work, shared wealth, and equitable development in Parkdale. This year, we are re-visiting our community planning process to build renewed visions and actions for a more equitable future in Parkdale. To support this planning, we are launching a three-part participatory planning process in Parkdale: Phase 1 – Community Wellbeing; Phase 2 – Community Mapping; and Phase 3 – Action Planning.
Did you miss the Community Wellbeing Workshops? Please fill this survey to inform the first phase of our community planning process, which aims to build a community-based vision for economic, racial, and climate justice centered on local wellbeing in Parkdale. The final phase of the planning process, Action Planning, will take place in the new year. If you have any questions about the planning process, please contact the Planning Coordinator, Mercedes Sharpe Zayas at